This page is for the Golfer or Teaching Professional who wants to:

  • Help other golfers  play their best

  • COMPLEMENT your teaching expertise to help students put it all together

  • Build even stronger student loyalty

  • Offer students game-changing insights they won’t get anywhere else

  • Earn extra $$$

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Bob Fagan a highly acclaimed travel and golf writer. an accomplished player and instructor, holds a Ph.D. in Counseling, PGA Section Executive Director, Golf Executive.

 “…There are only about a half dozen performance coaches/sports psychologists throughout the sports world that impress me and most of them currently fly below the popular radar. Too many, and especially the more visible golf/sports psychologists, address the symptoms that impede accomplishment and not the sources while spewing forth the same often-repeated platitudes…This is not the case with David Breslow,…an accomplished coaching veteran whose messages transcend golf/sports into business and life… You won’t encounter the same old recycled tips, psycho-babble, or vague theories. And there is no long or extended learning curve. The content is straightforward and to the point. His delivery is so spot on that it’s almost embarrassingly simple…”

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Wired to Win© is a faster-more reliable path to better golf:

NO Vague psychology

NO quick-fix tips (but very quick results)

NO theories to untangle

NO learning-curve

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“Hello David!

This stuff really works!!

Played in the cold, damp, rainy mist today…NO trying. Not once. NO internal score keeping. I had no idea what I shot until we were done. I had MANY long, smooth, rhythmic swings, many if not most. It was such an enjoyable experience.  Thank you David.” Respectfully,

Michael (3 time National Blind Golf Champion)

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The Laws David teaches are not taught anywhere else. They ARE the Pathway to:

  • Lower scores

  • Freer swings with confidence

  • Trust

  • Taking your range swing to the course

  • Increased distance

  • Consistency

  • Rolling putts with confidence

  • Target more accurate approach shots

  • yes–and more!

These Laws are:

  • Precise--in how they function

  • Predictable–in the results they produce

  • Undeniable–in their existence

  • Provable--so you don’t have to take my word for anything!

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“Before I launched my Ignition Golf website, I was looking for a mental golf coach to be a part of it.  I didn’t want just any mental game coach.  I wanted the best.  After much searching, I chose David because his unique out of the box thinking that allows a golfer to overcome fear, pressure and stress allowing them to gain focus and confidence.  Over the years, I have received tons of feedback from the members expressing how David has not only changed their games but their everyday lives as well.  I’m so glad he’s part of the site.”

Paul Wilson
Founder – Ignition Golf

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I’ve been helping golfers just like your students achieve results quickly and reliably over time.

You, your friends or your students are next!

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“Everybody hopes with just one more key, they’ll be playing like pros. Almost nothing in the golf world really works for more than a few days. Wired to Win is the only thing that made a lasting improvement I can “count” on. More importantly look at the nature of the improvement this process reduced my scores  from an average of 81 to an average of 70!!! Years of practicing hitting drives, putting, etc. but nothing was there to tie it together until Wired to Win and most importantly; it sticks, it continues to work and there is simply nothing else in golf to compare it to. Thank you, David.”

Jim Fenney

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Here’s What You’ll Learn in Wired to Win©:

Performance Benefits:

  1. Huge leaps in Awareness of your power to make new choices

  2. A new level of Clarity over every shot

  3. A new feeling of Confidence on the tee, fairway and approach shots and putting

  4. Improved Choice Making in shot and club selection in all situations

  5. A general sense of calm and power

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Raise positive Energy because now you take control of it

  2. Improve swing rhythm from tee to green

  3. Eliminate poor focus on things like, what others think, comparisons to other golfers and anything that causes you to feel negative

  4. Reduce mind/body/emotional tension so you hit with greater power and distance

  5. Quickly recover from old patterns that caused negativity like anger,frustration, negative memories

  6. Strengthen a sense of calm on every swing

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Advanced ability to focus on what sets you up to succeed EVERYWHERE on the course

  2. Quickly move from old negative thinking to a new sense of confidence

  3. You know EXACTLY how to take your “range” game to the course

  4. Unshakable Confidence because you ALWAYS know what to focus on and WHY at the first tee, after unwanted results, pressure shots, chips and those important putts you “have to make”

  5. Move through adversity faster than ever before–quickly/effectively

  6. You no longer focus on things that weaken your game (like results, worrying about results, score, other golfers, the past or comparisons,) and ONLY on what strengthens your game

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Optimizes you mentally, emotionally, physically before EVERY shot so you are set up for success BEFORE you step into address

  2. Mind is quiet and you are in charge

  3. Emotions are calm and steady

  4. Body is open and relaxed

  5. Greater clarity on shot/club selection

  6. Confidence is automatic because your min/body/emotions are in sync

  7. Produces Full commitment BEFORE every shot

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Easily turn adversity into triumph because this law causes more mental/emotional flexibility

  2. You see things differently than you ever have–your old negative reactions disappear

  3. Break habitual negative reactions like anger, frustration, poor self-talk, poor body language

  4. Blow past Self-doubt in any situation on the course

  5. Turn Fear into excellence when under pressure or when you  “really need this one”

  6. A return to in-the-moment focus so easily you’ll forget how you used to sabotage yourself

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Quickly dismiss negative thoughts/emotions/ habits

  2. Bring a new/believable positivity into your round and keep it there

  3. Feel enthusiastic and inspired because you’re new thoughts and feelings produce better results

  4. A complete change in the way you look at yourself and the game

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Laser sharp vision to improve accuracy off the tee, on approach shots, chipping, putting and those “tough shots”

  2. Improve scoring consistency because you hit the ball where you want to more often

  3. Sink more putts with a calm mind because a clear image brings calm to the mind/body/emotions

  4. Adding to your clarity and confidence AUTOMATICALLY

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE

Performance Benefits:

  1. Repeat the habits of success for greater consistency IN YOUR OVERALL GAME

  2. Tools to ensure success over time and in every phase of the game extending your new level of insight and your improvement

  3. Your mind/body/emotions are under your control so you know HOW to think, feel and do things differently

NOTE: Includes a pdf STUDY GUIDE


  • 8 Full Length Audios (receive 1 every 3 days in your inbox)

  • 8 Study Guides

  • 24/7/365 access–review as often as you like

  • Go at your own pace

  • Easy to apply–what separates Wired to Win from the “business as usual” boring approaches

  • Immediate impact–beginning on Day 1

***Not to be used in combination with or to replace any previous purchase

 (Regular price $197)