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“One (of the many) great things about David’s approach is that it literally helped me be a better student in other programs, elevated my golf game and more! The focus is really on the participant elevating “who they are” which translates into whatever I do. Thank you, David!”

Brent Jancks

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A 25-Day Interactive Adventure to raise your performance and Turn Your Dreams and Desires into Reality…NOW!!

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves”

                                                                                                                 James Allen


  • Personal/Spiritual Development
  • Athletes (Golf, Tennis, etc.)
  • Sports Teams
  • Actors/Creative Artists
  • Corporations
  • Salespeople/teams
  • Small Business Owners

Do you let the negative news of recessions, wars or other stories affect you?

Are you satisfied with your current conditions in relationships, health, finances, performance in sports (golf, tennis) or business results?

Are you finally tired of struggling to “keep your head above water” WASTING TIME/ENERGY/MONEY putting out fires?

Do you hand over your money and precious time for workshops, “gurus”, speakers, to get vague information or to merely compile MORE notebooks full of tips/strategies and NICE SOUNDING CONCEPTSonly to find yourself or your team facing the same challenges?

Are you finally ready to get BEYOND THE WORDS©…the cute sayings, platitudes, empty phrases?

Don’t you realize…


You create your life”

Great words

You are powerful”

Great words

“You have everything you need”

More great words

Isn’t it time to get BEYOND THE WORDS©?

To make them come alive in your life instead of just “ideas” filling up notebooks and writing post it notes to “remember” them.

My clients are fed up with double-talk, psychobabble and people who “talk in circles”.


Cute sayings, stories and CLEVER acronyms don’t really change you—they usually give you temporary relief.

Did you ever notice that?

To attempt to change circumstances before you change your self/inner world/imaginal activity, is to struggle against the very nature of things–leading to frustration

******That’s why you have to keep gathering more and more “stuff”, SPENDING MORE MONEY, TIME AND ENERGY.



Then you must take part in the BTW© program

Honestly, too many people:

  • Endlessly put out fires–instead of creating WHAT they truly want
  • Wish and hope for something better to come along–yet— ARE STILL WAITING!
  • Are unaware of the true power residing in them-so they continue to search for “the answer”

Ready to Step Off The Merry-Go-Round?


Where other models ADD more for you to think about, process and overanalyze…BTW© teaches there are several LAWS AND TRUTHS governing everything you do that require NO tips, strategies, psychobabble or platitudes to understand and benefit from–and will elevate you in ANY area.

These Laws/Truths govern your outcomes/experience in every life arena—relationships, finances, sports (amateur or professional), actors, business owners, health, confidence, success and so on.

You cannot avoid them.

You cannot “hide” from them.


Big statement?

Yes it is, but I’ve seen it happen over and over and over.

As Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) said to Neo (Keanu Reeves) when they first met in the film “The Matrix”… I offer you the truth…nothing more.”

Simple. Clear. No need for further explanation.

I offer you the same.

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David has the rare gift of being both a potent teacher and an inspiring coach. Great teachers pass on uncommon wisdom. Great coaches provide support and guidance to apply it. David is a blend of both.

Jess Clancy

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Let’s be honest…there’s a lot mediocre self-development/create your life/peak performance type programs out there.

Many have expressed their frustrations about it to me.

I agree with them.

That’s not going to happen here.



The BTW© content does not rely on vague concepts, platitudes, stories and recycled/ineffective tips or strategies you can get by browsing the internet.


That’s not what you need.

You are a man or woman of immense power. Nice words, right?  Anybody can say that—

In BTW© the Laws are going to REVEAL that to you and you will OWN IT because YOU WILL LIVE IT BY EXPERIENCE.


No more strategies to employ.

If you want to BE FREE, BE clear, BE the dream, BE the desires you want or play the game like you know you are capable of…BTW© is the avenue.

The effect is not temporary (as with  most tip/strategy/information based models).

You own it. It IS YOU.

You take this “new you” into everything you do—and it elevates your receptivity level with other programs/coaches/teachers/trainers because you are more open/receptive. This will ENHANCE relationships, finances, work, health. Everywhere!

You see, BTW© puts you in position to SOAR as you continue to grow in any area.

It becomes a way of life


There are 3 AUDIO SESSIONS from David adding new insights and answering common questions—perfectly spaced apart to add more insights.


This first recording David teaches you the basic truths about Human Performance and Potential. These truths can alter your perspective immediately. This ends with your first simple yet powerful “assignment” (we waste no time getting into the program).


David teaches new insights laying the foundation for phase 2 of the program. He also addresses common questions people have at this point


This occurs at the end of the program going deeper into the teachings. You have everything you need.

In between these David Speaks Audio Sessions you receive…

10 sessions via emails–spaced 2 – 3 days apart–IN YOUR INBOX–each giving you a link to that days session page to see the content in word and audio formats—so you get to do your adventure in the comfort of your own home or office AND LIFE!

Each session page contains word content AND AN AUDIO (take advantage of both) AND CAN INCLUDE A VIDEO AS WELL.

Each session ends with a simple, yet powerful “assignment” to do for the next two to three days. ***this is the BTW© unique built in “magic” factor. I want you to “GET IT” IN REAL TIME (not 8 hours later when the real learning has passed).

YOU NEED NEVER SET EXTRA TIME ASIDE. YOU APPLY THE EXERCISE as you go through your day…whatever you are doing. Rather than just “learning more stuff”, you will apply the law in your life and 3 things will happen.

You will see…

  1. The Law is real
  2. The Law is producing results for you right now and…
  3. You will now use that Law TO CREATE NEW RESULTS…RIGHT HERE…RIGHT NOW.


It’s no longer “information” from an external source or a tip or strategy. You live it and you can rely on it forever.

These LAWS are…

PRECISE in how they function

PREDICTABLE in the results they deliver

PROVABLE so you see it for yourself. The proof is right in front of you.

BTW© is broken into 2 interactive PHASES

PHASE 1    Sessions 1 – 4 

We begin with the first SESSION WITH DAVID. This INSTRUCTIONAL LECTURE teaches the foundational principles, will shake your perspectives and end with your first life/game changing assignment.

No waiting.

We’re getting right into it.

Sessions 1 – 4 overall are designed to align you with the true power. and easily move past old habits. You will raise awareness, make bold new choices, build confidence, gain energy and break old limited and negative patterns of perception and belief as your powers of mental focus are enhanced.

PHASE 2   Sessions 5 – 10 

You have strengthened your  “inner “game” so much by this point it is time to tap into the art of PERSONAL creation. The Laws and Truths have always been there but now…YOU are different/wiser/more receptive-– and that allows you to now CONSCIOUSLY AND PURPOSEFULLY create whatever you desire. Culminating in a wonderful “new” Self-Image.

No more reactive living. No more SETTLING!

You now apply this to any area of your life—increasing finances, health, peak performance in sports/career, relationships…anywhere you choose!

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ROBERT FAGAN–holds a Ph.D. in Counseling, is a highly acclaimed writer, an accomplished athlete, an Executive Director says…

“…There are only about a half dozen performance/life coaches/sports psychologists throughout the coaching world that impress me and most of them currently fly below the popular radar. Too many, and especially the more visible, address the symptoms that impede accomplishment and not the sources while spewing forth the same often-repeated platitudes…This is not the case with David Breslow,…an accomplished coaching veteran whose messages transcend “performance” into business and life… You won’t encounter the same old recycled tips, psycho-babble, or vague theories. And there is no long or extended learning curve. The content is straightforward and to the point. His delivery is so spot on that it’s almost embarrassingly simple.”

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Mr. Myagi (from “The Karate Kid”) would approve.


Daniel learned Karate as a BY-PRODUCT of Myagi’s teaching style. He didn’t have to “jam” Daniel with a bunch of tactics or techniques or more information.

BTW© doesn’t waste your time with that “stuff” either.

NO need for tips

NO need for strategies

NO Psychobabble

NO long learning curve

You won’t believe how simple it truly is!

Do you still want to wait?

Ok. Your call. But be honest.

  • Tired of “coping”?
  • Running out of excuses?
  • Actually enjoy “playing small” ?

Nobody wants that…yet we allow it, don’t we?

That ends now…It’s in your hands…

Grab your seat now…


David’s ultra clear and easy to follow conversations…

  • OVER 2 ADDITIONAL hours of David Speaks Lectures/Insights woven through the process
  • 10 email sessions perfectly spaced so you apply. live AND OWN the material
  • 10 Session specific audios (EACH FROM 30 TO 45 min. long) teaching the key insights for THAT SESSION—clear and direct
  • Bonus VIDEOS included in  specific sessions
  • 10 Simple, yet life/game changing exercises relevant to each session. This is where the “magic” is
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“Dear David,

You made things so clear! I’ve “followed” many teachers and you uncluttered those muddy waters for me. Thank you so much!”

Adam Burke

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All Only $497 (A fraction of the fee for private coaching— with a similar benefit!)


See you BEYOND the words!